Community Connection January 23, 2022

Zilker Proud - Let our Staff Know how much they are appreciated.

Just to be upfront with you all. It looks like we are in for another week of multiple Covid cases happening a day. According to everything I can see, we are still in a great spot and people are staying home when needed but we are still in the trenches with everyone else.

Please take a few minutes to give our staff some love this week and for the next few as they continue to band together and step up to provide support. You can do this however you like best:
- Send them a personal email with appreciation

- Submit a more formal RAVE for them for celebration seen by others (click here)

- Send in a handwritten thank you card

- Offer your support to volunteer as needed to cut, sort, make, - whatever they need

- Find an item from their Amazon wishlist to surprise them with.

- Any other creative idea you can think of.

Newsletter Headlines 

  • Early Release - Fridays this Spring - VOTING - Please give your opinion
  • Have you registered your child for the 2022-2023 School Year?!?!
  • Counselor's Corner: Upcoming Parent/Guardian Presentations - January 27 from 6:00-7:30 on zoom
  • Thursday - February 3 - Zilker Family Game Night on Zoom!!

Important Dates:

  • Jan 27: Dual Language Virtual Informational Meeting
  • February 3: Virtual Family Game Night

Read all the SMORE