Dual Language Program


Zilker’s Dual Language program is designed to provide students with a high-quality bilingual and biliterate education, from Pre-K to Fifth Grade. Our program consists of a 50/50 model, in which students spend half of their school day in Spanish and the other half-day in English. 

 The curriculum taught in Spanish includes Spanish literacy and Science. The English curriculum focuses on English Literacy, Math, and Social studies.  

Second language benefits:

Research indicates bilingual students gain deeper insights into ways of thinking and expressing themselves. Learning two languages increases the strength of literacy in both. Skills acquired include:

  • High level of proficiency in literacy and math skills in both English and Spanish

  • Appreciation of multiple cultures and sensitivity to people who speak other languages, as well as a multicultural perspective

  • Foundations of knowledge in the other curriculum areas, such as science and social studies

  • Ability to make connections across subjects and languages

  • Flexibility of thinking and creative problem solving

Application Process

Admission to Zilker's Dual Language program is  completed in the fall for incoming Kinder students and in April for PreK students.  For 1st-5th grade, students are accepted based on previous Dual Language programming, space available, and Spanish fluency. 

A World of Opportunity

There are endless benefits to learning a second language and culture. Students who study a second language increase their global awareness and understanding, improve literacy in their native language, are better prepared for college, have more employment opportunities and have a greater appreciation for the arts.

Students in 50/50 Dual Language programs, in which students spend half of their day learning in a nonnative language, perform as well as, or better than, students in monolingual schools on standardized tests, and these benefits extend to English-language learners as well as native English speakers.