Panther News
Community Connection December 12, 2021
The garden looks amazing right now! So many fun things growing. Check out these massive daikon radishes!!!!! Thank you Abbey (PTA Board Member) for coming out to cover our garden for the cold temps we had this weekend. Newsletter Headlinesz: Counselor's Corner: Season of Giving - Final Reminder; Message from the PTA: Did you know that the State of Texas has not updated the amount it costs to educate a child since the 1990's (basically before computers!!)??
Community Connection December 5, 2021
Even though we only have two weeks remaining until the winter break, we are not slowing down! Here are some reminders for upcoming events: CAC Meeting; Picture Retakes; Virtual Students Parent Zoom; Spelling Bee (for students who signed up); Short Cycle Assessments for Grades 3-5; Winter Festivities (teachers will give details)